We Make Your Vision a Reality

Residential Landscape Design Construction and Yard Maintenance




Along with increasing your pride in and enjoyment of your property, landscaping can increase the value of your property. Whether you are looking to increase curb appeal or enhance the quality of your outdoor living spaces or trying to solve a problem with your property, hiring a professional landscape designer will get you started on the right track.

A landscape designer will work with you to create a plan and budget for your landscaping project that meets your needs. Even when you have a good idea of what you want to do, hiring a landscape designer can be a benefit. They bring a balance of creativity and knowledge to the table and can identify and resolve problems you might not see. Landscape designers are aware of building code requirements and local bylaws and will ensure these requirements are considered as part of your landscaping plan.

Landcare’s landscape design professionals’ years and variety of experience allow us to work on projects from small urban garden pond landscaping, to outdoor living spaces, to commercial property master plans and even green roof designs. Our designers work with you to identify your desires and needs, taking your budget and timeline into consideration. We apply sound design principles, horticultural knowledge and current landscape construction strategies to turn your vision into a reality. Landcare’s team of landscape designers collaborate on larger projects to provide broader skills and consult with our construction professionals to ensure our designs can be built efficiently and are structurally sound.

Our Team Can Implement

Hardscape Installations

Stone Landscaping – Natural stone or precastconcrete systems

Wood Work – Decks, pergolas, gazebos – allcustom work

Green Roof Installations


Planting – large caliper trees, shrubs, perennials or annuals

Annual Planting & Planters




Bellarosa Landscaping

1100 Central Park Dr

Brampton, Canada


Need additional assistance? Please contact us:



We are open Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.